Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Machen's Many Faces

There is no purpose to this post except to show you the many sides of Machen. He keeps us laughing. Even Jon and Lauren occasionally remark that they can't imagine life without him. We're ever thankful that God gave us this little distraction--He always anchors us in what is truly eternal.

Machen and Rosie playing dressup.
Watching the landscape. Machen spends a lot of time in that car seat.

Machen and Lauren playing dressup.
SO proud of his own shopping cart. He's actually posing for this picture--it took him a minute to get his feet crossed just right.
I'd like to say this is a pose, but I'm afraid his belly naturally does that.
"Nobody bakes anything until I get my breakfast!"
Another pose... he's pulling his own foot up to his face. Of course we could all do that if we wanted to, we just don't want to. Kathryn put him up to this...
and this.

All Grown Up...

It seems Caleb's birthday always rolls around at the perfect time, just as winter is ending. We're always glad to have a party. These past 18 years have been a profound blessing for Mom and Dad during our journey through parenthood. God has been so very good. It's hard to imagine this grown man as a babe in arms, but he really once was. He is much loved by us all.

We had everything a party needs. Food...

and what else but WORK?! Here is the final event of the evening, building a brooder house.

Winter Lambs

This winter our ewe had triplets. We ended up losing one lamb and the ewe, which was very hard on all of us, especially shepherd Jon. So through this winter we have been raising two lambs, which kept us pretty busy. Here they are one day old.
Sweet little tiny things...

...except that they grow up, and these two actually think they're dogs or something. They hang out with us in the greenhouse, and in the flower beds...
...and the porch. Our (real) dogs are not sure what's going on but have been forced to give up their place on the front door mat. It wouldn't be so bad except the (fake) lamb dogs have no clue about being house broke, which should include the front porch.
Machen gets a kick out of them.